Sport club “Bushido Mon”, founded by V.Fomin in September 2009, is the ideological successor of Sport club “Bushi-do”, which was also foundated by V.Fomin yet in 1990. The first Sport club was created at the same time with the foundation of the first national organization headed by A.Tanyushkin – USSR Kyokushinkai Federation, later Russian Kyokushinkai Federation (RKF), which became the member of the International Federation of Karate (IFK), headed by Hanshi Steve Arneil. Nowadays Shihan V.Fomin is the President-Founder and the Chief Instructor of Sport club “Bushido Mon”, he is also a member of RKF Praesidium and the assistant of Shihan A.Tanyushkin.
Sport club “Bushido Mon” has the goal of saving and developing the best traditions of “Bushido” School as the School of Budo karate IFK/RKF. The leaders of the club are searching to overcome some negative tendencies of limited sport specialization in karate while keeping faith to the warrior’s Way spiritual ideals of common value, to the noble principles of Budo arts and Budo sports. In it they see the pledge of valuable transmitting the cultural tradition of Budo karate and creating the spiritual motivation both for sport training and for self-defense practice